How Excess Weight Can Cause Arthritis- Active Wellness Physiotherapy

How Excess Weight Can Cause Arthritis Osteoarthritis affects almost 30 million North Americans, making it the most common joint disease. It damages cartilage most often in the knees, hips, fingers and spine and is associated with aging, trauma, and obesity, but its primary cause now appears to be an overactive immunity that damages joints (Nature […]

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Everyone should Exercise After they Eat- Active Wellness Physiotherapy

Everyone Should Exercise After Meals- Part 1 A study from New Zealand shows that walking 10 minutes after meals lowers high blood sugar by more than 22 percent in diabetics, which is more effective than 30 minutes of exercise done once a day (Diabetologia, October 17, 2016). This agrees with other studies that show that […]

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How to Avoid Low Back Pain – Active Wellness Physiotherapy

Living With Low Back Pain – Part 1 If you’ve been sidelined by a sore back, you’re not alone. Four out of five people experience back pain at some point, making it the fifth most common reason for visiting the doctor. Back pain takes various forms, from a persistent dull ache to sudden sharp pain, […]

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Living with Low back Pain- Active Wellness Physiotherapy

11 Ways to Avoid Back Pain Living With Low Back Pain – Part 1 If you’ve been sidelined by a sore back, you’re not alone. Four out of five people experience back pain at some point, making it the fifth most common reason for visiting the doctor. Back pain takes various forms, from a persistent […]

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Intense Exercise is More Effective- Active Wellness Physiotherapy

Intense Exercise Is More Effective and Takes Less Time Intense interval exercise reduces high blood sugar levels more effectively than more casual exercise and takes less time. In one study, diabetics exercised a total of just six sessions of ten intervals (60 seconds of hard pedaling followed by a short rest between each interval) on […]

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Active Wellness- Physiotherapy Promotional Offer

Active Wellness Promotional Offer for You Active Wellness would like to thank you for your support and the opportunity to give you some excellent service. As an incentive to jump into spring, we are offering you 6 Physiotherapy Sessions for the price of 5.  By prepaying for your sessions, you have up to Dec 31, […]

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Daily Wisdom

"A strong and healthy body has the ability to fully recover and heal."

~ Anonymous

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