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Does an Inversion Table Help Low Back Pain?- Part 1- Physiotherapy, RMT- Kitchener/Waterloo

  I have been suffering from low back pain for a few weeks, and I have seen inversion tables advertised on television that claim to help low back pain. Do inversion tables help low back pain? Answer: Low back pain (LBP) is one of the most common reasons for a visit to your physician, second […]

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The Benefits of Exercise- Physiotherapy, Reg. Massage Therapy- Kitchener-Waterloo

The Benefits of Exercise Go Way Beyond the Muscles- Part 2 Exercise and Blood Sugar He’s passionate about exercise because his research has shown again and again how critical it is to health. He says when he’s tried to cause disease, for example, by feeding rats or mice high-fat diets, he can’t do it as […]

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Preventing Low Back Pain- Part 1-Physiotherapy/RMT- Kitchener-Waterloo

Preventing Low Back Pain- Part 1 What Is Low Back Pain? Low back pain is a universal human experience — almost everyone has it at some point. The lower back, which starts below the ribcage, is called the lumbar region. Pain here can be intense and is one of the top causes of missed work. […]

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Pilates and more- Physiotherapy, RMT- Kitchener, Waterloo

15 Pilates Moves That Get Results- Part 1 Pilates for Beginners What sets Pilates apart is its focus on toning the muscles with springs, bands, or your own body weight. Alycea Ungaro, author of 15 Minute Everyday Pilates, shares her routine for beginners. Some moves are shown using Pilates studio equipment, but you can do […]

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Rheumatoid Arthritis part 2- Physiotherapy, RMT- Kitchener-Waterloo

You and Rheumatoid Arthritis- Part 2 Use Coolness and Warmth When your joints ache, try changing the temperature for soothing relief. Soak in a warm bath, linger under a warm shower, or hold a moist heating pad to sore spots to ease tense muscles. Apply a cool compress or cold pack to numb fiery joints. […]

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Rheumatoid Arthritis- Physiotherapy, RMT- Kitchener-Waterloo

You and Rheumatoid Arthritis- Part 1 Eat to Move Though diet doesn’t cure RA, the same healthy eating habits that are good for the rest of you are also good for your joints. That includes whole grains, vegetables, fruit, fish, and other types of lean protein. Some foods may help with joint swelling, such as […]

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Daily Wisdom

"We will receive not what we idly wish for but what we justly earn. Our rewards will always be in exact proportion to our service."

~ Earl Nightingale, Author and Syndicated Radio Personality

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