Pilates and More part 3- Physiotherapy, RMT- Kitchener, Waterloo

15 Pilates Moves That Get Results- Part 3

Lower Body: Kneeling Knee Stretches

This reformer exercise is an efficient way to work the entire lower body.  Kneel on the reformer and round the back, keeping the arms straight. Use the butt muscles and thighs to push and pull your lower body back and forth. The platform will slide a few inches with each movement. Do five reps. As you get more advanced, do another five reps with the back arched.

Lower Body: Kneeling Side Kicks

Here’s a way to tone the thighs and butt without a reformer. Begin by kneeling. Lean to the left, placing your left hand on the mat under the shoulder and your right hand behind the head with the elbow pointing up. Raise your right leg until it is parallel to the floor. Holding the torso steady, kick the leg to the front and then to the back, knee straight. Do five reps on each side.

Lower Body: Leg Swings

This move sculpts the legs while getting your heart rate up. Stand with your arms crossed in front of you at shoulder height. Keeping your abs tight, exhale and lift your right knee up toward the right elbow. Lower the leg quickly and repeat on the other side. Keep switching sides for a total of 10 swings with each leg.

Stamina: Wall Chair

Besides toning the muscles, Pilates is known for boosting endurance. A wall and small hand-weights are the only necessities for this highly effective exercise. Stand with your back against the wall and feet hip-width apart. Walk the feet out a little, bend the knees, and slide down as if sitting in a chair. The upper legs should be parallel to the floor. Raise the arms to shoulder height and hold for 30 seconds. Do two reps.

Cardio: Standing Jumps

While the focus of Pilates is strength training, you’ll get some cardio in with moves like this. Stand with your belly pulled in and your arms overhead. Exhale and lower your head, bending the knees and swinging the arms back. Inhale and jump up with straight legs, reaching the arms overhead. Land with the knees slightly bent and return quickly to starting position. Do 8-10 reps at a rapid pace. You should be out of breath when you finish.

Reviewed by Michael W. Smith, MD on March 10, 2014









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~ Lorna Shultz Nicholson, Co-Author of Through Indigo’s Eyes

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