Intense Exercise is More Effective- Active Wellness Physiotherapy

Intense Exercise Is More Effective and Takes Less Time
Intense interval exercise reduces high blood sugar levels more effectively than more casual exercise and takes less time. In one study, diabetics exercised a total of just six sessions of ten intervals (60 seconds of hard pedaling followed by a short rest between each interval) on a stationary bike. The workouts took only 20 minutes per session, three times a week for two weeks for a total of just two hours of exercise. After two weeks, they had reduced their average 24-hour blood sugar and 3-hour-after-eating blood sugar levels, and increased muscle mitochondrial capacity that controls blood sugar levels (Journal of Applied Physiology, December 1, 2011;111(6):1554-1560). Warning: Diabetics are at increased risk for having blocked arteries leading to the heart, so they need to check with their doctor before increasing the amount and intensity of their exercise program.

be well

Daily Wisdom

"If you want creative workers, give them enough time to play."

~ John Cleese, Actor, Comedian, Writer, and Film Producer

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